So I still don't have a job, but I've been trying to keep myself busy with a lot of different projects. I'm posting a sketch diary over at I'm also working on some storyboards, birthday presents, and this maquette!
The first sketch I did, above, was inspired by a dream I had about these massive stone horses that carried riders across their backs through the water. I did full concept sketch and got lots of help from friends, helping me refine the shape and add some neat details! The final concept sketch is the one I did in pen.
The maquette armature is made of aluminum wire and apoxie. It also has joints at the neck and shoulders so the head and front legs can be taken off and sculpted separately. To scale the armature correctly, I printed out a large picture of the stone horse and compared the armature to the drawing!
I added some thin mesh for the tail fin, and began sculpting a very rough environment on the base. The environment will eventually be some flat, water-washed stones, but for now I just wanted the vague shape of the stones. I also added some wire sticking from the bottom so I could attach it to the horse's legs and help it stand better...
Unfortunately, the aluminum wire I used for the armature isn't very strong, and the thin legs are already bending under the weight! But I have a Plan B, so it should turn out okay. And if THAT doesn't work, I also have a Plan C.
That's right.
I'll post more progress shots soon!