Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Woof!

And because I haven't been posting much lately, here's a wolf! Practice with brush and ink, dontcha know.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

More Squid Items

The purple squid is a commission squid that I just sent out, and the blue squid is my Squidboo. He's eying the purple squid with discomfort.

I jacked up the contrast levels on this photo like crazy because IT LOOKS COOL OKAY?!

Anyway, squids and any other plushies/pictures are available for commission unless otherwise stated. If you'd like to request a commission, just email me at

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dinosaurs! Heck Yeah!

I've been drawing lots of dinosaurs lately...I present to you, the terrifying Tyrannosaurus Ram...and the much less terrifying Bunnysaurus Rex.

And here's a little preview of a finished piece I'm working on. Tell me that's not the most beautifully drawn foot you've ever seen in all your sad little life.