I believe this will be the last of the updates concerning the "Strange Tales of the American South" book I completed for Self-Publishing. It's sad, in a way. I'm at my mom's house in Florida at the moment, and yesterday when I cleaned my closet I found all this art I did as projects for foundation classes. Seems like so long ago! Anyway, this first image is the title card for the Bleedingheart Dove. The story, as always, can be found here: http://themoonlitroad.com/the-bleeding-heart-dove/

This second image was completed in watercolors and I like it pretty much except for the plant in the background and the girl's feet. Seriously! What was I doing there? The colors I used for her skin also turned out very splotchy for some reason. I need practice!

Below is the cover image I used. It's very simple and very...digital.

And finally, the completed book! I also created a back page showing previews of the stories and giving credit to Craig Dominey and his website, but there wasn't really an illustration on the back save for a derpy bird, so I suppose this is it!